Exercise With Diabetes

Exercise is an important management strategy for patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Combined with diet and lifestyle changes, exercise is an essential part of all diabetes management programs.  No matter what type of exercise, it helps improve glucose regulation.

If you are also at risk of type 2 diabetes, early intervention of exercise and lifestyle changes can help reduce this risk.

Whilst there are many benefits, it important that before you start exercising, make sure you have an  individualised diabetes management plan, and a health check with your GP.

Our Physiotherapists or Exercise Physiologist will do a full assessment of our physical condition which includes cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, flexibility, co-ordination and balance.  They will create an individualised exercise or treatment program for you whether you already have diabetes or are actively trying to prevent it.

If you would like to talk to us further about our services, please contact us on 08 7089 6666.

Benefits of exercise for diabetes include:

Exercise physiology can provide many benefits for individuals with diabetes type 2. Some of the potential benefits of exercise physiology for people with diabetes include:

How Adelaide Active Rehab & Therapy can help you


Physiotherapy plays a critical role in managing some of the complications of diabetes such as nerve and circulation problems. 

Our physio’s can create a program for you to assist with an exercise plan that works in alignment with your diabetes management plan.

Exercise Physiology

Our Exercise Physiologists will look at your goals and current fitness levels and tailor your exercises specifically for you and the management of your diabetes.

Their exercise programs are adaptable; and can be taught one on one, or given to you to work through independently in your own time.

Active With Diabetes

Learn to manage your diabetes and related conditions with confidence via this program that is heavily subsidised by Medicare.

Using exercise as a tool and education on healthy living, these 60-minute sessions involve moderate-intensity exercise that is fun, safe and individualised to suit your current health and fitness levels.

Want to find out more?

If you would like to talk to us further about our services, please contact us on 08 7089 6666.

    We welcome participants from a range of schemes


    We work with NDIS participants and support a wide range of presentations.  If you want to begin or continue an exercise or rehabilitation program, we can collaborate with you and your support coordinator to provide Physiotherapy or Exercise Physiology services.

    Aged Care Packages

    We work with the aged care providers to tailor specific services as required. Our Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists deliver programs that attract rebates from health funds or from Medicare through Care Plans.


    DVA Specific Programs

    With eligible Gold or White card you could be accessing fully funded gym and pool exercise and rehabilitation programs with our Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists.  To access our services, we require a signed D904 form from your GP.

    MVA & CTP

    If you have been injured in a Motor Vehicle accident, we offer Allied Health treatments to help with recovery. We require a referral for treatment from your GP with your claim number from the insurer.


    ReturnToWork SA

    If you are looking to begin or continue your return to work, we can collaborate with your case manager or any other treating professionals involved in your treatment and recovery. With a valid GP referral our Physiotherapists accept workers compensation claims.

    Medicare/Care Plans

    People with a defined chronic medical condition are eligible for GP services on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). We offer patients bulk-billed Allied Health assessments and sessions to help manage your chronic medical condition/s.  We require a referral from completed by your GP.

    Private Health

    People who have private health may be able to claim a rebate percentage or the full fee of an Exercise Physiology or Physiotherapy session depending on their insurance fund entitlements.

    Contact  your insurance fund to see what you are covered for.

    Who We Collaborate With: