What is Aquatic Remedial Massage ?

Aquatic Therapy combines The Healing Water Dance, Watsu, Somatic experience, and various Remedial Therapies to create a unique and effective treatment. Clients are supported in the water by the practitioner and are given floats to wear, allowing them to experience a sense of weightlessness. This allows them to become more aware of any tension or holding patterns in their body. The warm water and gentle stretches and massage provided by the practitioner create a relaxing and therapeutic experience. Aquatic Therapy can be thought of as a combination of a float tank and yoga stretches, all done in a soothing environment of warm water.

Hugh’s approach is subtle yet powerful, encouraging and allowing clients’ bodies to move and release with ease and comfort. The Aquatic sessions utilise the natural supportive qualities found in the water, which allows Clients to move their bodies in ways they may not be able to in their day-to-day life. The water is ideal for clients with mobility issues and who are undertaking physical rehabilitation. To book a session, contact Hugh on 0404 483 821.

Therapeutic Benefits

Aquatic Therapy allows clients to reach a deep state of relaxation, allowing them to fully surrender to their bodies. The gentle and supportive movements through the water soothe the nervous system, allowing joints and muscles to release and relax. The water creates a somatic experience for the client, providing them with a unique awareness and perspective of their body.

Long recognized as a connection between mind and body, Aquatic Therapy allows clients to realize how physical and mental stresses are interconnected. With the support of the water, which removes physical limitations and allows for deep relaxation, clients are able to experience the therapeutic benefits of Yoga, stretching, massage, bodywork, and a float tank all in one session. This form of water therapy is ideal for athletes and those recovering from surgery or injury.

If you would like to learn more about this amazing treatment, contact Hugh on 0404 486 821

What's Involved?

Aquatic Therapy sessions with Hugh last for a minimum of 1 hour. During the session, clients are given floats to wear around their legs and ankles for added buoyancy and support. They are then taken into the warm water where Hugh holds and supports them as they move through a series of stretches and movements, and receive massage techniques.

Sessions are tailored to each individual client’s needs and no two sessions are the same. Clients are given the choice of staying on the surface of the water or wearing a nose clip to experience the therapy underwater. In addition to Aquatic Therapy, Hugh incorporates his training in Myofascial Release, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Stillness, and other energetic modalities into his sessions to provide a holistic and personalized experience.

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