If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, then you are eligible to be referred by your GP to the Active with Diabetes group exercise class. We are excited to offer eligible patients bulk billing to support their diabetes management.

One of the most crucial things you can do to enhance your health and assist in managing your diabetes is regular physical activity.  Strong evidence supports the value of exercise in diabetes control and should be a huge part of your diabetes management strategy.

To access government-funded exercise classes for diabetes, individuals must have a referral from a doctor or other eligible healthcare provider. The classes are typically delivered by qualified exercise professionals, such as Exercise Physiologists, Allied Health Assistants or Physiotherapists.

Benefits of Active with Diabetes classes include:


What’s involved?

Initial Assessment to determine the following:

How to book Active With Diabetes?

GP Referral

You must be eligible and be referred by your doctor to receive a Medicare subsidy for group exercise. Please ask your doctor to complete this referral form.

Private Clients

Private paying clients can book without a doctors referral, please contact us to book your initial assessment. You may be eligible to claim these services from your private health fund if not eligible through Medicare.

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